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Distance/Angle Offset Shots

PostPosted: Fri Sep 30, 2005 11:45 pm
by tzoeller
Below is a shot taken from a raw data file. This is a bldg corner shot
where we shoot the distance and then turn the angle into the corner before
storing the shot. Why doesn't the angle shown for the distance
measurement (first one)differ from the stored angle(second one)? This is
the latest version of Surv CE on a topcon fc-1000 data collector.


--Distance/Angle Offset
--Distance shot HZ angle: 280.4559. Angle shot dist: 57.9850
--Vertical angle from distance shot
SS,OP4,FP167,AR280.4559,ZE82.2020,SD57.985000,--COR BLK BLDG

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