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Raw Data

PostPosted: Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:41 pm
by srvyr1
Using NAD 83 SP coordinates, version 2.05. In the raw data print out, the geodetic coordinates do not match the decimal feet coordinates using corpscon to convert between the 2. I thought I understood the information in the raw data file, but now I'm not sure. Is there a detailed explanation of the raw data file?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 2:03 pm
by Ken Kasbohm
If you are refering to this type of raw data record:

GPS,PN5208,LA35.225288576599,LN-119.035486722387,EL88.703800,--STA1+34.007 L9.994 CUT 9.548
--GS,PN5208,N 2326795.4375,E 6244124.4412,EL395.2079,--STA1+34.007 L9.994 CUT 9.548
--CTSD0:Design Pt#,Design Sta,Design Off,Design Elv,Staked Sta,Staked Off,
--CTSD1:Stake Nor,Stake Eas,Stake Elv,Cut,Fill,Desc,Design Off Ref,
--CTSD2:Design Elv Ref,Cut Ref,Fill Ref,Stake Pt#,Delta X,Delta Y
--CTSD0:PP,1+34.007,Left 10.000,385.660,1+34.007,Left 9.994, 2326795.437,
--CTSD1:6244124.441,395.208,9.548,,STA1+34.007 L9.994 CUT 9.548,,,,,5208,0.000,
--HRMS:0.063, VRMS:0.066, STATUS:FIXED, SATS:7

I think this is the data format.
The LA35.225288576599 is 35° 22' 52.88576599"
The LN-119.035486722387 is 119° 03' 54.86722387"

The CorpsCon conversion to CA Zone 5 NAD83 resulted in the coordinates shown in the raw data line that I have highlited.

See if this works with your data.


Raw Data

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 6:10 pm
by srvyr1
The raw data looks different to me. I have attached a screen capture of some of my data. This is an example of where I have had the problem. I am using Illinois East zone NAD 83 data.

thanks for the input.

Mike Wyant

GS,PN2,N 560117.4025,E 1063986.0181,EL323.3368,--PIPE
HRMS:0.039, VRMS:0.064, STATUS:FIXED, SATS:11, PDOP:2.4
PntNo Latitude Longitude Elevation Description
3 38.121676028 -88.031553183 97.3277 CL INT
GS,PN3,N 560128.5938,E 1064427.2311,EL312.0781,--CL INT
HRMS:0.055, VRMS:0.078, STATUS:FIXED, SATS:12, PDOP:2.4
PntNo Latitude Longitude Elevation Description
4 38.123044626 -88.033198627 98.3537 CL INT
GS,PN4,N 561509.1051,E 1063109.7247,EL315.4445,--CL INT
HRMS:0.076, VRMS:0.086, STATUS:FIXED, SATS:12, PDOP:2.4
PntNo Latitude Longitude Elevation Description
5 38.121699246 -88.025926060 99.3883 CL INT
GS,PN5,N 560156.0247,E 1065725.9410,EL318.8385,--CL INT
HRMS:0.039, VRMS:0.070, STATUS:FIXED, SATS:13, PDOP:2.4
PntNo Latitude Longitude Elevation Description
6 38.121690074 -88.030625905 98.5776 CL INT
GS,PN6,N 560145.0427,E 1065167.3483,EL316.1790,--CL INT

Raw Data

PostPosted: Wed Aug 06, 2008 11:08 pm
by srvyr1
I hate being such a dumb ass. The problem is my operating corpscon.
Problem solved.

Thanks Ken