Two different shp files two different projections

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Two different shp files two different projections

Postby kadaseng » Wed Jan 27, 2021 8:30 pm

I have some GIS data that I need to import into Intellicad. I opened the projection files and they are in two different projections. When I import them they don't line up because of this. Can I change one of the projections so the data lines up?

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Re: Two different shp files two different projections

Postby gskelhorn » Sun Jan 31, 2021 3:57 am

You will need to reproject the data set(s) to the same coordinate reference system your CAD drawing is related to...
There are many ways to do this with command line or graphical applications.

If you do not have any tools already installed try QGIS. There are a lot of helpful resources available.
The OSGeo4W installer is an easy way to install QGIS and the dependencies... ot

Guide to installing, version numbers will be difference now:

Help on reprojection:
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