I am using survce 3 and I had a file with total station points and gps points.
I collect first the gps points and then I setup the ts and continued to collect points.
Everything is fine until I try to make a localization .
I get weird results. The gps points follow the localization but the points collected with ts seems to scaled in and fit in an area with a radius of few inches.
I checked the points coordinates before the localization and are fine.
Also tried to reverse the process by deleting the locilization and reprocess the rw5 file with no results.
Thried to proccess the rw5 file WITHOUT any locilization points and the problem reproduces!!!!the gps points stays where they are and the ts points get coordinates with some kind of scale.
I am using one point locilization,greece ggrs87, also tried the two point ,gigid body, second point for rotation only. No luck...
So it is not connected with localization but with the rw5 file proccesion.
Can someone please help me ?