One of our engineers is having some issues. I'm not an engineer and I don't have any experience with this software but I'm needing to find a solution with him. I will explain to the best of my ability!
I will try contacting via email and phone but wanted to try here first.
Structure -> Stage-Storage -> Draw Stage-Storage Curve.
Select stage storage file (.cap)
In the data preview window he's getting a bunch of 0's under the columns. On another computer with the same software configuration we see the data
If he continues with the invalid data... gets past the stage-storage setup. When inserting this on the drawing the program locks up for a considerable amount of time then crashes. I'm guess this is due to having invalid data passed along.
So my question is... why would the data not show up (shows all 0's) for each column/row when he imports his .cap file? Again, I can duplicate this process on another engineers computer but it works correctly.
I forgot to add. This is Carlson Survey 2011 (Hydrology). The engineer is running Autocad 2006. The other engineer that can do the same process no problem is also Carlson 2011 but is running Autocad 2009.