by chostetler » Fri Jun 17, 2011 3:56 am
I think I figured out my abandoned mine pit backfill. I was looking at the down drains and was thinking I needed channels coming down off the highwall backfill. It is more of a sheet flow condition and all I needed/wanted was to have valleys and ridges for stability, to control erosion, vegetative growth, and aesthetics.
What I did was recontoured the pit like I normally would, using 4:1 in this case, replacing the water at 1 to 1 to satisfy permit requirements. I shrink wrapped a 3D polyline around the top and made sure my 2D polyline for the water surface was at the right elevation. I then proceeded to draw ridges and valleys around my pit from the 3D poly at the top to the 2D poly at the water surface. Their spacing was based on the distance between the two. I then used the natural regrade Auto Longitudinal Profile to set the ridges to a 4.5:1 at the tops and a 3:1 at the bottoms. I set the valleys to a 3.5:1 at the tops and a 8:1 at the bottoms. Be careful because I think the Auto Longitudinal Profile dialog has the Top and Bottom switched (i.e. enter you top slope in the bottom box and your bottom slope in the top box). My project design is completed and should be let next spring and be constructed next summer. Will have to see how it works.
As far as your three channels, I would use the Design GeoFluv Regrade. You should be able to carve out the drainage areas of your three channels. The particulars of a highwall backfill with water replacement did not allow me to just use the GeoFluv program as I would have liked to. I have tinkered with Design GeoFluv Regrade but haven't completed a design with it. Is seems very nice if you have a situation where it can be applied.