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Template ID for Profile ignores Curb ID Point

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:00 pm
by R Stillwell
I am using the Example Template that comes with Carlson to create a roadway. It has 3 ID points defined in it (EP, CB, & SH).

We design to Top of Curb so I want the Template ID for Profile to use the ID Point CB.

When I set the Template ID for Profile to CB it ignores the CB ID Point and outputs the centerline to the elevation in my centerline profile.

So I did a check and set the Template ID for Profile to SH processed the road. It set the shoulder to the elevation of the centerline.

I then re-processed the road and set the Template ID for Profile to EP and it set the Edge of Pavement to the elevation of the centerline.

So why does it work for the EP & SH ID Points but not work for the CB ID Point?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:51 pm
by R Stillwell
Ok, let's add to this a little bit.

Anytime I reference an ID point associated to Curb in my template. I get an error.

If I try to use a Template Point Profile for a section of street with split curb elevation. I get the following error.

Warning: CB template grade profile ID not found.

It seems like everything is ignoring the ID Points associated with my curb