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Point attributes-manipulate by group

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2022 6:13 pm
by nickoletag
I am working on a topo survey. I need to show curb elevations along the curb line.
From field to finish, I get the points and do twist points to align the rotation.

How do I select the elevation attribute and move all the elevations above the line at once?

So far, I am moving them one by one by dragging only the elevation, and it's not only time-consuming but nerve-racking too.

Re: Point attributes-manipulate by group

PostPosted: Sat Mar 05, 2022 2:28 pm
by gskelhorn
I'm not sure how to move multiple attributes at once like that. I generally have the plotted elevations added to the drawing as text on their own layer using either field-to-finish or LABCOOR command. I find the text easier to manipulate individually or collectively.