Reflectorless Constant

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Reflectorless Constant

Postby Kris K » Mon Jan 19, 2015 4:02 pm

Operating a Leica TS15 with SurvCE on a Carlson Mini.

Trying to set a user specified constant to the reflectorless setting. It appears to allow me to do this however it does not update the gun or apply it to the shots. So if I take two shots one with the constant set (say to 30mm) and another with it set back to 0, it looks like the settings are applied however upon inversing between the points and the gun the hz distances are the same, so no offset was applied.

I have set this before with different hardware and it has worked, is there something wrong with the setup? Am I missing something in the settings? Any help would be appreciated.
Kris K
Posts: 2
Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:15 pm
Location: USA

Re: Reflectorless Constant

Postby Kris K » Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:44 pm

No one? How about this, is there anyway in SurvCE to have the software apply the constant rather than the gun? So you set your gun for prismless (+34mm offset in Leica world) and then tell the software to apply a -22mm offset. You take a shot, the gun shoots prismless, records a distance at the surface, it is then sent to the DC, which in turn applies the requested offset to slope distance and calcs and stores the point. The result would be a point 22mm further away than what the gun observed.
Kris K
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Joined: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:15 pm
Location: USA

Re: Reflectorless Constant

Postby Gibbo » Thu Feb 05, 2015 6:14 am

Tried the same, and had same problem. The software should be able to apply the constant, but it doesn't. It must get the answer from the gun, as you'll notice on the gun that for every prism setting you have in SurvCE, it has created one on it too. Leica must not like any other constant being used. Sucks when doing piling.
Andy Gibson
Brisbane, Australia
Posts: 48
Joined: Thu Dec 29, 2011 9:42 am

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